【比較不同牌子的TV Box】博視盒子V4 vs 小雲盒子8P vs 安博盒子第九代【TV Box Comparison】BOSStv V4 vs SVICLOUD 8P vs Unblock UBox Gen 9 Pro Max

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【比較不同牌子的TV Box】博視盒子V4 vs 小雲盒子8P vs 安博盒子第九代

【TV Box Comparison】BOSStv V4 vs SVICLOUD 8P vs Unblock UBox Gen 9 Pro Max


Bosstv V4, SVICLOUD 8P, and UBOX Gen 9 are just a few of the many TV boxes available today. Which TV box should you purchase? Knowing what you desire and what you need most is the most crucial thing to take into account. Pick the TV box that best suits your needs.

博視盒子V4 vs 小雲盒子8P vs 安博盒子第九代

BOSStv V4 vs SVICLOUD 8P vs Unblock UBox Gen 9 Pro Max


究竟小雲電視盒子3 PRO, 8S, 8P 有什麼分別? | What’s the difference between 3 PRO, 8S, 8P TV Box?
究竟小雲電視盒子3 PRO, 8S, 8P 有什麼分別? | What’s the difference between 3 PRO, 8S, 8P TV Box?



在購買電子產品之前,您會仔細閱讀規格嗎? 如果您購買的電視盒與您家的設備和電視不兼容,您可能需要在適配器和其他配件上花費額外的錢。 最新的 BOSStv V4 具有以下接口:DC、IR、LAN RJ45 (100M)、HDMI 2.0、USB 2.0、USB 3.0、TF、Optical 和 AV。 此外,BOSStv V4套裝還附贈旅行轉接套件和USB Type-C充電線,非常實用!

Would you carefully read the specifications before purchasing an electronic product? It's possible that you'll have to spend additional money on adapters and other accessories if you get a TV box that is incompatible with your home's equipment and TV. The most recent BOSStv V4 has the following interfaces: DC, IR, LAN RJ45 (100M), HDMI 2.0, USB 2.0, USB 3.0, TF, Optical, and AV. Additionally, the BOSStv V4 package comes with a travel adapter kit and a USB Type-C charge cable, which is highly practical for consumers!




每個電視盒用戶都希望獲得無限制的娛樂,電子設備的容量是需要考慮的重要問題。 最新的 BOSStv V4 可以滿足所有需求。 現在市場上的大多數電視盒都配備 32GB 或 64GB 閃存, BOSStv V4 的超大閃存容量為 128GB,是那些想要下載任何他們想要的東西的人的選擇!

Every TV box user wants to enjoy endless entertainment. The capacity of an electrical gadget is always an important issue to take into account. The user would not be able to download enough programs with a limited capacity. All needs can be satisfied with the most recent BOSStv V4. The majority of TV boxes on the market now feature either 32GB or 64GB of flash memory. The huge flash capacity in the BOSStv V4 is 128GB. The super-capacity BOSStv V4 is an option for those who want to download anything they desire!


**Note: You can install a third-party application to watch, the box does not have an application built in**


Clear Video Without Buffering 清晰畫質不卡頓: SVICLOUD 8P  - 小雲盒子8P


The quality of the video display has a significant impact on user experience. Everyone would probably agree that having a high-quality video display without buffering would make for the ideal viewing experience. The SVICLOUD 8P TV Box supports 8K ultra-clear video hard solutions and offers an improved visual experience. provide you with smoother, more vivid, and higher-quality images.

影片畫質對用戶體驗有重大影響, 每個人都會同意,擁有沒有緩衝的高質量視頻會帶來理想的觀看體驗。 SVICLOUD 8P 電視盒支持 8K 超清視頻,提供更好的視覺體驗,為您提供更流暢、更生動、更高質量的圖像。


Cinematic Dolby Vision 杜比音軌功能: SVICLOUD 8P - 小雲盒子8P


SVICLOUD 8P TV Box supports Dolby soundtrack, and the sound effects can make you feel like you're in a movie theater. 

SVICLOUD 8P 電視盒支持杜比音軌功能,音效讓您彷彿置身於電影院。


SVICLOUD 8P 小雲電視機頂盒 8P

究竟小雲電視盒子3 PRO, 8S, 8P 有什麼分別? | What’s the difference between 3 PRO, 8S, 8P TV Box?

 Know more about other SVICLOUD TV boxes 瞭解更多有關其他小雲盒子: SVICLOUD TV Boxes 
