小雲盒子支緩KTV唱歌軟體操作|SVICLOUD 9P 8P 3 PRO Support Karaoke

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小雲盒子支緩KTV唱歌軟體操作|SVICLOUD 9P 8P 3 PRO Support Karaoke



KTV server is supported by SVICLOUD 9P, 8P and 3 PRO! You have the option to download various karaoke applications and practice at home! Sing whenever and whenever!

SVICLOUD 9P,  8P和3 PRO支援KTV服務器! 您可以選擇下載各種卡拉 OK 應用程式並在家練習! 隨時隨地唱歌!


如何在小雲電視機頂盒子中使用應用程式唱卡拉 OK How to sing karaoke using applications in SVICLOUD TV Box 




To sing karaoke, you can decide to install programs like "閤家歡" You can search the vocalist list for the song you wish to perform, regardless of the style of singer you choose. You can download the songs when you click the microphone icon. Download a variety of tunes so you can sing along!


在 Google Play 商店或應用市場中,您還可以下載其他唱歌應用。 借助 4GB RAM 和 64GB 超大儲存空間,您可以下載任意數量的應用程序!


In the Google Play Store or Application Market, you can also download other singing apps. You can download as many applications as you'd like with 4GB RAM and 64GB of flash storage!


**Note: You can install a third-party application to watch, the box does not have an application built in**



小雲盒子支緩KTV唱歌軟體操作|SVICLOUD 8P 3 PRO Support Karaoke

SVICLOUD 8P TV BOX 小雲8P(4+64GB) 8K 旗艦級機頂盒

小雲盒子支緩KTV唱歌軟體操作|SVICLOUD 8P 3 PRO Support Karaoke 


